For example you could use
"Don't go away"
which is equivalent to
'Don''t do away'
but much more readable.
"6.7 Enable non-standard functions"
When this extension is enabled (it is by default), the Irie Pascal compiler will recognized a number of
non-standard functions, which are not part of Standard Pascal (i.e. ISO/IEC 7185). NOTE: ISO/IEC 7185
is the standard for the Pascal porgramming language published by the Internation Organization for
See the Irie Pascal Programmer's Reference Manual (in "progref.html") for a complete list of non-
standard functions.
"6.8 Allow non-numeric labels"
When this extension is enabled (it is by default), the Irie Pascal compiler will allow non-numeric
statement labels. In Standard Pascal (i.e. ISO/IEC 7185), statement labels must be numeric and between 0
and 9999. When this extension is enabled, you can declare and use labels containing letters and
underscores. NOTE: ISO/IEC 7185 is the standard for the Pascal porgramming language published by
the Internation Organization for Standardization.
For example in the following program, loop is used as a statement label.
program name(output);
label loop;
i : integer;
i := 1;
i := i + 1;
if i <= 20 then goto loop;
"6.9 Enable non-standard operators"
When this extension is enabled (it is by default), the Irie Pascal compiler will recognize a number of non-
standard operators, which are not a part of Standard Pascal (i.e. ISO/IEC 7185), and it will allow some of
the boolean operators to be used to perform bitwise operations. NOTE: ISO/IEC 7185 is the standard for
the Pascal porgramming language published by the Internation Organization for Standardization.
The non-standard operators are:
and_then, or_else, xor, shl, shr
The boolean operators that can perform bitwise operations are:
not, and, or