• Payment Sites:
Payments for Irie Pascal licenses are accepted at a number of different sites. You can make your
purchase directly to Irie Tools by fax or mail. You can also purchase from one of the following
payment processors, ShareIt (at www.ShareIt.com), or RegNow (at www.RegNow.com).
• Currencies:
You can choose to pay for licenses in a variety of currencies (US$, CA$, UK£, and Euros).
Buying Licenses:
Not all combinations of options are possible (for example all purchase orders must be sent directly to Irie
Tools and not to the other payment processors). For this reason it is recommended that you allow the IDE
or the Irie Tools website to guide you through the buying process. Don't worry it is easier to buy a license
than it is to describe how to buy a license.
The IDE includes a dialog box that will guide you through the buying process. To access this dialog box
choose Buy Now!... from the Help menu. See Buy Now! for more information on how to use this dialog
The Irie Tools website (at www.irietools.com/iriepascal/buy.html) can also guide you through the process
of an Irie Pascal license. From the website you will be able to have an order form generated and emailed
to you (you would then complete the order form and fax it in or mail it in along with your payment).
From the website you will also be able to go to one of the online credit card processors which can accept
your payment. The online credit card processors have been carefully selected to ensure that your payment
information will be secure, and allow you to download Irie Pascal immediately after your payment is
Sales enquiries can be sent to sales@irietools.com.
7.7.3 Buying using the IDE
The Irie Pascal IDE includes a dialog box that will guide you through the buying process. To access this
dialog box choose Buy Now!... from the Help menu. See Buy Now! for more information on how to use
this dialog box.
Sales enquiries can be sent to sales@irietools.com.
7.7.4 Buying through the web
The Irie Tools website at www.irietools.com/iriepascal/buy.html can guide you through the process of
buying an Irie Pascal license.
From the website you can have an order form generated (which you can print using your browser). You
can have the order form emailed to you (you can then print it using your email program). After printing
the order form you would then complete it and fax it (see buying by fax for more information) or mail it
(see buying by mail) for more information.
From the website you can be transferred to one of the online payment processors which can accept your
payment. The online payment processors have been carefully selected to ensure that your payment