Chapter 3 Defining rules and queries 69
Using the adapter rule helper utilities
Using the XML Adapter Rule Helper utility
You must run the XML Adapter Rule Helper utility from a command line. Type
the following command:
xmlhelper -ax <ARServerName> -al Login -ap Password -ar port -xp <Path to
the xml schema> -xr <xml row identifier>-d
Using the File Adapter Rule Helper utility
You must run the File Adapter Rule Helper utility from a command line. Type the
following command:
filehelper -ax <ARServerName> -al Login -ap Password -ar port -fn <Path
to the file on the local machine> -d
Using the the adapter rule helper utilities on UNIX platforms
For UNIX platforms, rlohelper.sh and db2helper.sh are the two scripts that are
executed. These scripts are located in the
<arserver_installation>/bin directory.
These scripts internally invoke the respective Rulehelper utilities for both Oracle
and DB2.
For DB2 rule helper, if you have AR server installed on Oracle, you must change
the db2helper.sh script to set the DB2 client installation directory.
X To edit the script for DB2
1 Open <arserver_installation>/bin/db2helper.sh.
2 Append the line, AIE_DB2_LIB_DIR=,to read as follows:
You must enter the path to the parent of the lib/lib32 directory only. For Oracle,
the path derives from the command line parameter.