
Chapter 3 Defining rules and queries 53
Defining rules
Target SQL command syntax (targetsql|<command>)
Integration Engine runs the select statement (<command>) after the pipe to obtain a
value. This syntax differs from the SQL command syntax (described in the
preceding section) in this Integration Engine runs the select statement on the target
database defined for the data exchange.
You can embed field names (
<$field$>) into the select statement. The value of the
field is substituted prior to running the select statement. The value of the field is
obtained from the source database and substituted prior to invoking the select
statement on the target database.
For example, in Table 3-6, the value for the Location field (
$location$) is obtained
from the source database and replaced in the select statement before it is passed to
the target database for processing.
Process command syntax (process|<command>)
Integration Engine runs the command that follows the pipe to obtain a value. This
syntax differs from the target process command syntax in that Integration Engine
runs the command on the source database defined for this data exchange.
If the command has embedded
$-delimited field names, the values for the fields
are first obtained and substituted prior to invoking the command.
For example, in Table 3-7, Integration Engine replaces the values for
$keyName$ and
$field2$ with the actual data values before running the process.
Table 3-6: Target SQL command syntax example
Example Results
targetsql|select locationid
from location where
department = $location$
Runs the location ID from the
location table where the
department equals the value of the
$location$ field obtained from
the source database
Table 3-7: Process command syntax example
Example Results
process| getlastupdate
Runs the command getlastupdate on the
source database, passing the values for
$keyName$ and $field2$ as parameters.
The response from the command is used.