26 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Installation overview
When you run the Integration Engine installer, you install:
Integration Engine
This includes the Integration Engine service, the Data Exchange application, the
Event Request interface, and optionally the Integration Engine development kit
(also called the Integration Engine Adapter Developer’s Kit (ADK)).
This can include the DB2 Adapter, File Adapter, Oracle Adapter, SQL Server
Adapter, and XML Adapter.
All products can now be downloaded from the Electronic Product Distribution
(EPD) page at
http://webapps.bmc.com/epd or from the product DVD. The product
documentation is no longer installed as a part of the Integration Engine
installation. Click the product documentation link and unzip the files. The unzip
process creates two folders: Docs and Help. After you unzip the documentation
files, you can manually copy the documentation files to your local file system. This
documentation includes all Integration Engine manuals and the Release Notes in
PDF format.
The Integration Engine installer installs the Integration Engine components on the
machine on which you run the installer. However, if you enter a remote AR System
server during installation, the Data Exchange application is installed on the remote
AR System server. After the Integration Engine components and adapter products
are installed, you can move the Event Request interface as needed on your
network. For more information, see “Post-installation configuration tasks” on
page 42.