114 Administrator’s Guide
BMC Atrium Integration Engine 7.1.00
Handling data types
Decimal values brought into an integer field lose their decimal positions. To round
a value, use the
round() function. In this case, if the decimal value is 5.5 to 5.9, it is
rounded to an integer value of 6. If it is 5.4 or less, it is rounded to an integer value
of 5.
The AR System Date/Time field holds dates from 1/1/1970 to mm/dd/2036. If
you are using an AR System Date/Time field for date values exchanged with the
data store, you must use an AR System Character field. The string value can be any
of the AR System supported date formats. When the Integration Engine service
encounters a date type field with a string value, it attempts to treat it as an
AR System date. If it is a valid AR System date, the date transfers correctly. To
make sure that dates transfer correctly, see the date format information in
Table 7-1.
Using date functions in AR System Date/Time
When date information is mapped to an AR System Date/Time field, the
AR System attempts to convert the date information into an AR System Date/
Time value, which includes both the date and the time.
Some Integration Engine functions return partial date information.
To return a date only, use the following function:
currentdate() returns mm/dd/yy
To return the time only, use the following function:
currenttime() returns hh:mm:ss
You can also use Date/Time fields in an update query to compare attributes in the
external data store and AR System or CI classes as dates rather than as internal
Table 7-1: Date formats
Date Within AR System
Date Limits?
Allowed Date Formats Required AR System
Field Type
Yes Any of the AR System date formats Date/Time or Char
No mm/dd/yyyy, dd.mm.yyyy, and
Char only