Chapter 2 Installing Integration Engine 31
Installing or upgrading Integration Engine
Installing or upgrading Integration Engine
This section contains instructions for installing or upgrading Integration Engine on
Windows and UNIX. It also contains instructions for installing the Integration
Engine Online Help.
Installing or upgrading Integration Engine on Windows
You can install BMC Atrium Integration Engine or upgrade to BMC Atrium
Integration Engine from BMC Remedy Enterprise Integration Engine.
X To install or upgrade Integration Engine on Windows
1 From the folder where you unzipped the product download or from the root folder
of the product DVD, double-click
The Welcome window appears.
2 Click Next.
The License Agreement window appears.
3 Select “I accept the terms of the license agreement,” and then click Next.
The Action Request System server information window appears.
Figure 2-2: Action Request System server information window
The Data Exchange application is installed on the machine on which the
AR System server runs. This can be a different machine from the Integration
Engine service. For details, see “Getting the prerequisites” on page 27.