• ...Fold or roll in extreme cold temperatures.
• ...Drag your canopy across any abrasive surfaces, such as a cement drive.
• ...Get insect spray on the fabric, as some solutions may impair the water repellency of
the fabric and cause staining.
• ...Allow water to stand on the canopy, causing pocketing and possible stretching.
• ...Wash your canopy with a harsh strong solution, or scrub too vigorously with an
abrasive cleaner.
• ...Force or yank your canopy when raising or lowering it. Do it gradually.
• ...Charcoal grill underneath the canopy.
• ...Store the canopy when it is damp or wet. Mildew is a fabric’s greatest enemy and is
caused by dampness. Mildew may grow on the surface of a damp canopy and
permanently stain the fabric.
• ...Permit leaves, twigs, etc. To remain on your canopy as they might cause a staining
of the fabric.
• ...Wrap steel or aluminum hardware with the canopy.
Screen Room
Care should be taken when setting up and putting the screen room away to avoid tears and
cuts. When putting away the deluxe screen room, the curtains should be in the down
position and secured to the bottom with their strings.
1. Wash off any droppings or foreign matter from trees with clear water and keep the
vinyl clean when putting away.
2. DO not roll stakes or hardware with the screen room.
3. Never roll the vinyl screen room up wet for any extended period of time.
4. If mildew is apparent, it should be treated promptly with a light solution of Naphtha
soap and water. A soft brush or cloth is recommended for cleaning vinyl.
When possible, the fiberglass screening should be loosely folded, not crushed when
opening and putting away the screen room. Do not allow poles and stakes to punch holes in
the screen.
The wall paneling in your trailer is a vinyl covered wood panel. If deep scratches occur,
putty sticks can be used to cover them. These can be obtained from hardware stores and
lumber yards. For decor paneling, replacement vinyl covering can be purchased for repairs
if needed. Your independent, authorized dealer’s parts department can assist you with this.
To clean, use a mild solution of soap and lukewarm water with a soft sponge or cloth. DO
NOT use abrasive cleaners. It could cause the vinyl to scratch and turn dull. Grease spots
and stubborn dirt can be cleaned off with an all-purpose spray cleaner.
To care for the vinyl floor covering, use a damp mop with water and a mild cleaner. DO
Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer 89
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