Changing Tire
1. Keep the trailer attached to the tow vehicle. Block the tire on the opposite side of the
unit from the tire you are changing.
2. Loosen the wheel lug on the tire you are changing before jacking up the trailer. DO
NOT remove the lug nuts, only loosen them for ease of removal when the tire is off
the ground.
3. Locate the main frame rail of the trailer. It spans from the front to the back just inside
the tires.
4. To raise the trailer, place the jack (hydraulic or screw) under the main frame rail. It
must be just ahead of the front tire or just behind the rear tire.
WARNING: Never raise the trailer by placing the jack under the axle
beam, springs or any attachment parts. Failure to comply could result
in property damage, personal injury or death.
Vinyl Tire Cover (Option)
Your tires are manufactured with components that cause “bleeding” onto the tire cover. To
prevent this, it is recommended to use a separator (garbage bag, paper, cloth, etc.) between
the tire and the cover.
Inspect all exterior lights to make sure they do not have moisture trapped inside. The
“weep” holes at the bottom of the lights must be kept open to allow moisture to escape from
the light fixture.
Locks on entrance and baggage doors need biannual lubrication. Silicone lubricant is
recommended. Conditions such as rain, salt, dust and pollution may increase the
maintenance needs.
Various components of your trailer are made of ABS plastic, which is light, strong and rust
proof. A few suggestions are given here to ensure long cap life.
• Wash ABS plastic with detergent and water, followed by a water rinse. Always mix
the detergent with the water before washing. If you squirt detergent directly on the
cap, you may discolor the cap.
• Do not wax ABS plastic. Excess wax will be trapped in the textured surface finish.
The wax will trap dirt.
• Do not apply any product containing petroleum, as oil softens the plastic. Examples
of products to avoid are bug and tar remover, mineral spirits or similar solvents,
motor oil, charcoal lighter or any industrial cleaner that contains petroleum
• Abrasive cleaners will dull the surface and may rub through the weatherproof outer
covering. When the cover is damaged, the plastic may yellow and become brittle.
Caution: Avoid using “Citrus” or biodegradable cleaners which contain
“D-Limonene.” They will damage plastic materials.
84 Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer
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