In order to enjoy your travel, having all the right tools and supplies will help. A checklist
may be beneficial to avoid forgetting something essential. This list is meant to be a starting
point, while realizing that personal preference will also play a large roll in your packing.
There are items here which may not apply for you and items which could trigger other
ideas. As you expand your camping experience, you may wish to develop your own list of
Tow Vehicle/Trailer
0 Check fluids
C oil
C coolant
C transmission fluid
C washer fluid
C power steering fluid
C brake fluid
C battery terminal
0 Check belts
0 Check wheel lugs
0 Check tire pressure (include inner wheel and spare, if applicable)
0 Check tire wear (uneven wear pattern)
0 Check lights
C headlights
C brake lights
C clearance lights
C turn signals
0 Trailer safety chains connected
0 Breakaway switch and lanyard connected
0 Coupler locking pin connected
0 Trailer electric cable secure
0 Tongue jack fully up
0 Dolly wheel removed
0 Retract stabilizer jacks
0 Retract steps (if applicable)
0 Proper tongue weight maintained (10-15% of gross weight - trailer and contents)
0 Trailer is level
0 Wheel blocks removed
0 Test brakes for proper operation
38 Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer
Before you travel...