When the time arrives to return home, it is again critical that you complete the necessary
procedures to ensure a safe trip. As you develop a routine, it is possible that a checklist will
be helpful. This is a general list, which you may want to customize as you determine your
own needs. In addition, make sure you follow the hitching procedures listed in the “Before
You Travel...” section of this manual.
0 Make sure you follow all safety precautions noted in this manual and in any
information from component part manufacturers when preparing to travel home.
0 Counter items put away or tied down
0 Latch drawers, cabinets & doors
0 Refrigerator door locked
0 Set refrigerator to 12-volt (if applicable)
0 Close windows & latch blinds
0 Close roof vents
0 Lower antenna & satellite dish (if applicable)
0 Position the booth dinette in the bed position for travel (if applicable)
0 Furnace turned off
0 Water heater turned off
0 Water pump turned off
0 Lights turned off
0 Move slideout in and lock it in place (if applicable)
0 Retract awning and secure in place
0 Retract slideout (if applicable)
0 Retract step
0 Pack equipment into compartments and secure it
0 Propane turned off
0 Water hose & electric cord unhooked and stored
0 Visually look under RV for items missed
0 Lock all exterior compartments
0 Empty gray holding tank (if applicable)
Tow Vehicle/Trailer
0 Check fluids
C oil
C coolant
C transmission fluid
C washer fluid
C power steering fluid
C brake fluid
C battery terminal
0 Check belts
Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer 75