To ob tain war ranty ser vice the owner must do all of the fol low ing:
1. No tify an in de pend ent, au tho rized dealer of Jayco, or Jayco, of the sub stan tial de fect in ma te rial or work man ship at -
trib ut able to Jayco, within the war ranty cov er age pe riod des ig nated above;
2. Pro vide the no ti fi ca tion men tioned in (1), above, within ten (10) days of when the owner dis cov ered, or should have
dis cov ered, the sub stan tial de fect in ma te rial or work man ship at trib ut able to Jayco;
3. Promptly sched ule an ap point ment with and take the RV to an in de pend ent, au tho rized dealer of Jayco, or Jayco, for
re pairs; and
4. Pays any freight or trans por ta tion costs, im port du ties, fees and all in ci den tal ex penses as so ci ated with ob tain ing war -
ranty ser vice.
For war ranty ser vice, sim ply con tact one of Jayco’s in de pend ent, au tho rized ser vice cen ters for an ap point ment and then
de liver your RV to the ser vice cen ter on the spec i fied ap point ment date. If you need as sis tance you may con tact Jayco, at
P.O. Box 460, Middlebury, In di ana 46540, Attn: Af ter mar ket Ser vice, (574) 825-0608, or http://www.jayco.com.
NOTE: Jayco does not con trol the sched ul ing of ser vice work at the in de pend ent, au tho rized deal er ships. You may en -
coun ter some de lay in sched ul ing or com ple tion of work. Also, you must no tify the sell ing dealer at time of de liv ery to
have work per formed on any de fect that oc curred at the fac tory dur ing man u fac ture at no cost to you as pro vided by this
lim ited war ranty. (See be low under WHAT IS NOT COV ERED).
If two (2) or more ser vice at tempts have been made to cor rect any cov ered de fect that you be lieve im pairs the value, use or
safety of the RV, or if it has taken lon ger than thirty (30) days for those types of re pairs to be com pleted, you must, to the
ex tent per mit ted by law, no tify Jayco di rectly, in writ ing, at the above ad dress, of the un suc cess ful re pair(s) of the al leged
de fect(s) so that Jayco can be come di rectly in volved in mak ing sure that you are pro vided ser vice pur su ant to the terms of
this limited war ranty.
By way of ex am ple only, this Lim ited War ranty does not cover any of the fol low ing: de fects in ma te ri als, com po nents or
parts of the RV not at trib ut able to Jayco, items that are added or changed af ter the RV leaves the pos ses sion of Jayco; ad di -
tional equip ment or ac ces so ries in stalled at any deal er ship, or other place of busi ness, or by any other party, other than
Jayco; any RV used for rental or other com mer cial pur poses (Note: It shall be con cluded that the RV has been used for
com mer cial and/or busi ness pur poses if the RV owner or user files a tax form claim ing any busi ness or com mer cial tax
ben e fit re lated to the RV, or if the RV is pur chased in a busi ness name); any RV not used solely for rec re ational travel and
camp ing; nor mal wear, tear or us age, such as tears, punc tures, soil ing, mil dew, fad ing, or dis col or ation of ex te rior plas tic
or fi ber glass, or soft goods, such as up hol stery, drapes, car pet, vi nyl, screens, cush ions, mat tresses and fab rics; the ef fects
of con den sa tion or mois ture from con den sa tion in side the RV; mold or any dam age caused by mold to the in side or out side
of the RV; im per fec tions that do not af fect the suit abil ity of the RV for its in tended pur pose of rec re ational use or items
that are work ing as de signed but that you are un happy with; prob lems, in clud ing wa ter leaks, re lated to mis use, mis han -
dling, ne glect or abuse, in clud ing fail ure to main tain the RV in ac cor dance with the owner’s man ual, or other rou tine
main te nance such as in spec tions, lu bri cat ing, ad just ments, tight en ing of screws, tight en ing of lug nuts, seal ing, ro tat ing
tires; dam age due to ac ci dent, whether or not fore see able, in clud ing any acts of weather or dam age or cor ro sion due to the
en vi ron ment, theft, van dal ism, fire, or other in ter ven ing acts not at trib ut able to Jayco; dam age re sult ing from tire wear or
tire fail ure; de fac ing, scratches, dents, chips on any sur face or fab ric of the RV; dam age caused by off road use, over load -
ing the RV or al ter ation of the RV, or any of its com po nents or parts; wheel align ment or ad just ments to axles when caused
by improper maintenance, loading or damage from road hazards, including off road travel, wheel damage or balancing or
damage from tire failures.
In ad di tion, this lim ited war ranty does not cover any ma te rial, com po nent or part of the RV that is war ranted by an other
en tity, in clud ing, by way of ex am ple, han dling, brak ing, wheel bal ance, muf fler, tires, tubes, bat ter ies, gauges, gen er a tor,
jacks, in verter, mi cro wave, tele vi sion, VCR, CD player, tape player, ra dio, speak ers, tele vi sion, re frig er a tor, range, wa ter
heater, stove, car bon mon ox ide de tec tor, smoke de tec tor, fur nace or any air con di tioner. (Note: The writ ten war ranty pro -
vided by the man u fac turer of the com po nent part is the direct responsibility of that man u fac turer).
De fects and/or dam age to in te rior and ex te rior sur faces, trim, up hol stery and other ap pear ance items may oc cur at the fac -
tory. These items are usu ally de tected and cor rected at the fac tory or by the sell ing dealer prior to de liv ery to the re tail cus -
tomer. You must in spect your RV for this type of dam age when you take de liv ery. If you find any such de fect or dam age
you must no tify the sell ing dealer at time of de liv ery to have these items cov ered by this lim ited war ranty and to have work
per formed on the items at no cost to you as pro vided by this lim ited war ranty.
Rev. 04/05 Towable Lim ited War ranty Page 2 of 3
Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer 5