Propane Connections and Start Up
WARNING: Propane can be extremely dangerous. Make sure that you
read, understand and follow all information supplied in this manual
and all component part manufacturers’ manuals before operating your
propane system.
After the camper is completely set up and you are prepared for camping enjoyment, follow
these steps for propane operation.
1. Close all the burner valves, controls and pilot light valves.
2. Open the main valve on the propane container slowly to avoid a fast rush through the
excess flow valve causing a “propane freeze.” If you experience a propane
“freeze-up,” close the main valve and wait 15 minutes before trying again.
3. Listen carefully as the propane begins to flow. If “hissing” is heard for more than one
or two seconds, this may indicate a leak. Immediately close the valve and search for
the leak.
4. Light the appliances as needed and directed in the appliance manufacturers
Make sure that you read and fully understand ALL safety requirements for handling and
operation of the propane system. Literature is supplied with your unit from the
manufacturer of the various appliances hooked to your propane system. The propane
system provides added benefits to your camping enjoyment, however, it must be handled
with care. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with your independent,
authorized dealer and/or the specific appliance manufacturer.
If you have double cylinders on your trailer, use only one at a time. Otherwise the propane
supply will be drawn equally from both cylinders until the supply has been totally
exhausted. Using one cylinder until it is empty, then using the second cylinder will allow
you to fill the empty cylinder at your convenience without being totally out of propane.
54 Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer
Setting Up Camp...