The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
LW works with and configures itself for many of the popular DOS packages for Atari
XL/XE computers. Supported DOSes include:
Atari DOS 2.5
MyDOS 4.5
SpartaDOS X (using BANKED memory)
Even if your DOS isn't in this list, LW may well work with it, providing it follows the
same basic CIO protocols as Atari DOS and does NOT use any RAM under the
operating system.
Note: up to and including version 2.1, LW used to work with disk-based versions of
SpartaDOS, Atari DOS XE, and many other DOS packages which used RAM under
the computer’s operating system. However, since LW 3.0 uses the 14K of RAM
between $C000 and $FFFF, it will no longer work with any DOS which uses the same
memory space. If you need to use LW with SpartaDOS 3.2 or DOS XE, download a
copy of LW 2.1 at www.atari8.co.uk.
Whichever DOS you use, you must ensure that it has a MEMLO setting ($2E7,$2E8)
no higher than $2000. For this reason, LW works best with SpartaDOS X which –
when using BANKED memory (as it must with LW) – boasts an impressively low
LW works well with DOS 2.5 and MyDOS using normal sector buffer configurations.
Resident handlers and TSR programs are unlikely to work with LW using these DOS
As well as all conventional memory from $2000 to $9FFF, and the cartridge memory
from $A000 to $BFFF, LW also uses 14K of RAM under the operating system between
$C000 and $FFFF. LW will switch out internal BASIC when using DOS 2.5 or MyDOS,
but SpartaDOS X users must run LW with the “X” command, since the library must be
9.2 ATARI DOS 2.5
These systems require no special handling by LW and special DOS features such as
subdirectory and command line support will be inactive. LW will disable internal BASIC
automatically with this DOS. By default, LW will use all available extended memory
(not occupied by a RAMdisk) for extra text buffers under DOS 2.5.
LW 3.0 will not work with DOS XE.
9.4 MYDOS 4.5