The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
for any reason you want to ensure that the default DOS drive is searched, include “D:”
(without quotes) as an entry in the path.
The fifth kind of instruction in LW.SYS is the “BUFFER” statement (followed by ON or
OFF). This simply turns the keyboard buffer on or off. The keyboard buffer will always
default to on, unless it detects that another keyboard buffer (such as the SpartaDOS X
keyboard buffer) is active. You can force LW’s keyboard buffer off or on with this
statement (although forcing the buffer on while the SDX buffer is active will cause
undesirable results).
Multiple buffers can allow the loading of up to 160K of text in memory at any one time.
The files are always kept separate (unlike AtariWriter Plus), but may be linked together
when printed by using include bank commands. You can also append text banks when
saving using the /A switch on the command line. By having "include bank #"
commands in the main bank (bank #1), you can keep track of pagination with the
<CTRL+?> command, or preview the whole document with <CTRL+V> without once
having to access a file.
From the main program, banks are selected with:
<SHIFT+CTRL+n> Select bank command
where <n> is any one of the number keys. <1> always calls up the main (unexpanded)
bank, while the other 9 numbers can be set up any way you wish. From macros, these
same numbers follow the <SELECT+CTRL+Z> Settings command.
Several alternative character sets are supplied on the disk. Many fonts are supplied in
both 80 and 40 column versions. 80 column fonts are 512 bytes long and have “.F80”
extenders, while 40 column fonts are in standard Atari format and have the extender
“.FNT”. These can be loaded at any time with <SHIFT+CTRL+N>. Depending on
whether the editor is in 40 or 80 column mode, leaving the font extender off the
filename will automatically load the font appropriate to the editor mode. You can,
however, “force” loading of 40 or 80 column versions of a font by specifying the
extender on the input line. The MACRO.FNT/MACRO.F80 font is most suited to editing
macros, since the control characters are specially emboldened and easy to distinguish
from alphanumeric characters in the 80 column version. The other fonts provide many
different styles and weights, and all provide full international characters.