The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
You can configure LW so that it always loads with the settings you prefer. You can
even load different configurations part way through an editing session. You can set up
everything from screen colour to additional banks of RAM for text.
LW supports two kinds of configuration files. LW.SYS is loaded when the program first
starts and contains information about the memory configuration, keyboard buffer and
keyboard redefinition. LW.SYS is read once when the program starts and any settings
it contains cannot be changed once the program is loaded.
The following commands toggle or set up various LW features, and these settings are
all saved in the configuration file. They can all be set up from the configuration
program, with the exception of the tab ruler. Not all the options in the configuration
program can be altered from the editor during an editing session: only those options
which are likely to need changing once the program is up and running are available.
<CTRL+W> Toggle word-wrap
<SHIFT+CTRL+W> Set screen resolution and number of columns
<CTRL+TAB> Clear tab stop at current column
<SHIFT+TAB> Set tab stop at current column
<SHIFT+CTRL+E> Erase all tab stops
<SHIFT+CTRL+TAB> Reset default tab stops
<SHIFT+CTRL+W> Set number of screen columns (5-240)
<SHIFT+CTRL+INS> Toggle Insert/Over-type modes
<CAPS> Toggle Upper/Lower case
<SHIFT+CTRL+U> User options
Several settings from the disk menu are also saved in the config file:
<S>pec Set the directory filename mask
<1-0> Set the current drive #
Use the following commands to load and save different configurations during an
editing session:
<CTRL+Q> Load config
<SHIFT+CTRL+Q> Save config
Unless you supply your own filename extender, ".CFG" will be appended during both
save and load.
One other command from the editor is:
<SHIFT+CTRL+N> Install/Load alternative character set
The character set information isn't saved in the config file. To make a character set of
your choice load a run-time, rename it "LW.FNT" and put it on your LW disk.