The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
<CTRL+Z> Set toggles and test flags. Follow with one of the characters
U Put the keyboard into uppercase.
L Put keyboard into lowercase.
I Set insert mode.
O Set overtype mode.
1-9 or 0 (0=10) Select the appropriate text bank when
multiple banks are set up. Bank 1 is
always the MAIN (unextended) bank, and
2-10 correspond to banks of extended
B Select the text bank the program was in
when the macro was called.
H Hide the screen display.
U Turn the screen on again.
These parameters should be in normal video and each setting
requires a separate <CTRL+Z>.
As well as setting flags, the <CTRL+Z> command can also test
certain conditions:
M Test for block marking.
S Test if any text is already selected.
C Test for file edits since the text in memory
was last saved.
A Test if file has already been saved.
You would precede these tests with a macro branch command.
The branch will occur if the above conditions are FALSE.
You can use the:
<SELECT+CTRL+Z> set toggles command
to turn the display on and off from within a macro. Follow with an "H" to "hide" any
screen updates, and a "V" to make them visible. Nothing is actually printed to the
screen when the display is disabled - the display will immediately change to reflect any
changes made by the macro when it is switched on again. This is a great way to make
macros run as if they were built-in commands, bypassing the prompts that usually
whizz by on the command line. Certain commands - such as print, view, spool, disk
menu and the four macro commands which display prompt information - re-enable the
display automatically.
<CTRL+P> Entered in a filename dialogue will enter the device, path and
name of the current file.