The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
there is, the faster the copy operation will be, so you will want to
be in the bank with plenty of unused memory before you copy
anything. A completely full bank actually has 1 spare byte, so
copy will still work with it, albeit agonizingly slowly!
Press <CTRL+C> to copy tagged files. Wildcards are fully
supported. For example, you could tag all files on the disk and
then press <CTRL+C> to copy them to “D2:*.BAK”. All files on the
destination drive will have the .BAK extender.
Mdir Create a new directory in the current directory, providing DOS
used supports subdirectories.
Esc Exit the directory menu.
UnLock Lock or unlock the highlighted file.
^UnTag Tag/Untag the highlighted file with <T>. <CTRL+T> will tag all
files, while <CTRL+U> will untag all files.
Format Format the disk. You’ll be asked for confirmation first.
EXit Leave the program and go to DOS.
1-0 Catalogue drive. 1-9 denote the corresponding drive number, and
0 denotes an unnumbered drive ("D:"). This is important if you
want to open MyDOS subdirectories.
SOrt This option will present a menu asking whether to sort the
directory by name, extender, date, size, or none. Any other key
will leave the setting, which is saved in the configuration,
unaltered. "None" will turn off the sorting function.
Tab Toggle short/long directories (SpartaDOS X only). Pressing <Tab>
will switch between DOS 2.5 directory listings and the full
SpartaDOS listings.
Avail Under DOS 2.5, displays the number of free sectors remaining on
the disk. With SpartaDOS X, this option displays the number of
free bytes on the disk.