The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
All the above commands will read any included files (see later) unless you comment
out include statements. This means that you can always know exactly where you are
on the printed page, even in documents made up of many different files.
LW has a wealth of print formatting commands which will allow you to tailor your
printed output exactly to your needs. Formatting commands follow these simple rules:
Formatting commands consist of 1 or 2 letter alphanumeric symbols, entered in
reverse video, often followed by numeric or textual arguments.
Formatting commands may be in either upper or lowercase.
Numeric arguments of formatting commands are entered in reverse
String arguments (footer lines, header lines and filenames) are entered in
normal video.
Stage 1 formatting commands, either singly or grouped together, must be the
first things on a line. They may be optionally terminated with a <Return>. Note:
if a string of Stage 1 formatting commands end in <Return>, a blank line will
NOT be output in the printed document.
Formatting commands must not contain extraneous spaces.
Here are some examples of print formatting commands:
Sets the left margin to 20.
Sets the left margin to 20, the right to 60, then prints "hello." 20 spaces from the left of
the page.
fcPage #<Return>
Defines a running footer which prints the current page number.
The following commands, entered as inverse characters in upper or lower case, affect
the size and layout of the page. Generally, they should be the first things on a line.
Where numeric arguments are required (n), these are entered, also in reverse video,
directly after the command. Several commands may be placed together consecutively
on a line. Commands may be followed by a <RETURN> (which will NOT print).
a<n> First page to print. a2 will start output at page 2. Default is 1.
b<n> Set bottom margin, default 61. This is measured in lines from the
top of the page, and is the last line on which body text will print.
With a page length of 66, a bottom margin of 61 will print 5 blank
lines at the foot of each page. Ensure you leave enough lines to
print your footer (if any), which may be up to 3 lines long. If the
footer doesn't fit, it won't print.