WebStore by Amazon 3.5.1: Merchant Manual
Marketing your WebStore
Congratulations! You now have a live Web site. The next question you are no doubt
wondering: how do I get visitors to my site? WebStore by Amazon has the answers.
Froogle is a shopping directly by Google. It's free to upload products to Froogle, and
WebStore by Amazon customers have reported great success in driving traffic to
their site through Froogle.
WebStore by Amazon will automatically create a Froogle file that you can upload to
Froogle. Simply request a feed, check back in 24 hours, then upload the file to
Froogle. For more details on how Froogle works, see http://www.froogle.com
Constant Contact
If you have a Constant Contact account, you can add your Constant Contact HTML
code to your templates that allow your visitors and customers to sign up for your
mailing lists. For more information on Constant Contact, or to register for a Constant
Contact account, see http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?pn=amazon
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the marketing of your WebStore by Amazon
through search engines such as Google or Yahoo. WebStore by Amazon has
partnered with multiple reputable SEM companies. See the Traffic Manager page
under Store Design for more details.
Google Sitemap
Google Sitemaps allow site owners the ability to provide a special file on their Web
site that Google uses to crawl their site. WebStore by Amazon can automatically
create this file for you! You will need a Google Sitemap account and a file name at
the Google Sitemap page.