WebStore by Amazon 3.5.1: Merchant Manual
Clicking this link creates an Excel spreadsheet of the tab's contents, and then downloads
it to your hard drive for editing. When you've finished editing the file, you can upload it
using the Excel Upload tab.
To edit downloaded Excel files:
1. Open the downloaded file.
2. Specify whether a product should be assigned or unassigned by entering either
"A" for assign, or "U" for unassign in the Action column.
3. Edit the Category column as necessary. To indicate a parent/child relationship,
use the ">" sign. For example, "Backpacks > Daypacks".
4. Save the file.
To upload Excel files:
After you edit your downloaded Excel file, you upload it using the Excel Upload tab.
1. Click the Excel Upload tab.
2. Select to either Update Current Catalog, or to Delete and Replace Current
Catalog. If you downloaded the Excel file from a tab other than Excel Upload,
you should select Update Current Catalog.
3. Click Browse, locate the file you edited, then click Submit.