WebStore by Amazon 3.5.1: Merchant Manual
Site Widgets, denoted by a red frame, create content for frames that appear on all pages
of the site. Page Widgets, denoted by a black frame, create content that appears only on
pages based on the template. A given widget can be either a site widget or a page widget,
depending on the frame it's used in.
Not all frames can contain all widgets. The widgets available for a given frame appear in
the Widget Configuration window that opens when you click the frame. Available
widgets include:
• Image Widget
• HTML Widget
• Menu Bar Widget
• Category Widget
• Product Widget
To Use the Image Widget:
The Image Widget lets you select images for display, link an image to another page in
your store, and enter alternate text. You can also upload images to the Image Library.
1. In Template Manager, select the page template you want to work with.
2. Click the frame where you want to add an image.
3. When the Widget Configuration window appears, select Image from the Choose
Widget menu. (If Image doesn't appear as a choice, you cannot add images to the
selected frame.)
4. Specify an image to work with:
• To use an image in your library, or to upload an image to the library, click the
Open button. Click the Select button to specify an image, or click the Upload
an Image button. After you upload an image, you can select it.
• To use an image at a remote URL, select the Image URL radio button, and
then enter the URL for the remote image.
5. If desired, click the Links button to link the image to another page in your site.
Choose the type of target page from the Please choose a page to link: menu. A
window appears listing all pages of the specified type. Select the page you want to
link to, and then click Next.
6. Enter your alternate text in the Alt Tag field. (Alternate text appears when
viewers mouse-over the image, and in browsers that don't display images.)
7. Click Save.
To use the HTML widget:
The HTML Widget lets you add customized HTML to your store. You can use either the
"What You See Is What You Get", or WYSIWYG editor; or the Custom Script editor.