
WebStore by Amazon 3.5.1: Merchant Manual
For pages with sub-categories, a menu bar can also appear in the left column.
A search field appears in the header.
Modern: Based on a three-column layout with vertical and horizontal menu bars,
Modern includes the following features:
You can customize the background color and graphic.
You can place a homepage element spanning the center column for visual impact.
The menu bar appears in the left column.
A search field appears in the header.
Classic: Based on a three-column layout, Classic includes the following features:
The layout is well-suited for stores with large numbers of products
The left column contains a search area, menu bar, and space for customized items.
The center column can contain any type of content. Typically, the center column
emphasizes the store's main attractions.
The right column can contain a search field and additional customized items.
In the next step, you can further customize the theme you have selected using the
Template Manager.
Step 5: Review and Edit Theme
Template Manager allows you to customize the layout of each page in your WebStore.
You can add or delete WebStore pages, as well as edit items on the pages. You can also
add custom pages.
For more detailed information on how to customize WebStore pages, see Managing the
Display of Your WebStore.