
WebStore by Amazon 3.5.1: Merchant Manual
To use the Category widget:
The Category Widget lets you create a link to one or more categories. For each specified
category, the widget frame displays a random product from that category, and can include
the product image, description, and a customized label. When a visitor clicks the frame,
they're taken to the category page.
1. In Template Manager, select the page template you want to work with.
2. Click the frame where you want to add a category widget.
3. When the Widget Configuration window appears, select Category from the
Choose Widget menu. If Category doesn't appear as a choice, you cannot add a
Category Widget to the frame. Select another frame.
4. Enter a Category Label, and then choose its size. The label appears at the top of
the frame.
5. Choose the number of Columns to split the frame into. Pick a multiple of the
number of categories you want to display. For example, if you want to display
items from six categories, choose three--the frame will display two rows, each
with three categories.
6. To display a random image from the chosen category, check Category Image,
and then choose a size for it.
7. To display the category name, check Category Name, and then choose a size for
8. Click the Add A Category button, then click the Search button.
9. Select the category you want to use in the category tree. Click the Next button.
10. To add an overlay image on top of the randomly chosen product image, click the
Image button. Select an image from the Image Type menu that appears. For
example, choose Best Seller Image to display a Best Seller banner on top of the
product image.
11. Repeat Steps 8-10 to add more categories.
12. Click Save.
To use the Product widget:
The Product Widget lets you highlight specific products on your site, such as "Recently
Viewed", and "Best Sellers". You can also choose to highlight specific products by
ASIN. For highlighted products, you can choose to display the product image, name,
description, features, and pricing. You can also add a "Buy Now" button.
1. In Template Manager, select the page template you want to work with.
2. Click the frame where you want to add featured products.
3. When the Widget Configuration
window appears, select Product from the
Choose Widget menu. If Product doesn't appear as a choice, you cannot add a
Product Widget to the frame. Select another frame.
4. Enter a Feature Label, and then choose its size. The label appears at the top of
the frame.