Chapter 2 69
Status Registers
Use Status Registers to Determine the State of Analyzer Events and Conditions
Figure 2-6 Standard Event Status Register Diagram
The standard event status register contains the following bits:
To Status Byte Register Bit #5
Request Bus Control
Operation Complete
Query Error
Device Dependent Error
Execution Error
Command Error
User Request
Event Register
Enable Register
Power On
Bit Decimal
01Operation Complete: A 1 in this bit position indicates that all
operations were completed following execution of the *OPC
12Request Bus Control: This bit is always set to 0. (The
analyzer does not request control.)
24Query Error: A 1 in this bit position indicates that a query error
has occurred. Query errors have SCPI error numbers from −499 to
38Device Dependent Error: A 1 in this bit position indicates
that a device dependent error has occurred. Device dependent
errors have SCPI error numbers from –399 to –300 and 1 to
416Execution Error: A 1 in this bit position indicates that an
execution error has occurred. Execution errors have SCPI error
numbers from –299 to –200.