Chapter 5 215
Language Reference
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
Control Limit Line Testing
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Turns limit line testing on/off. The limit and margin will only be tested if they are
displayed. Use :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:DISPlay to turn on the display
of limit lines, and :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:MARGin:STATe to turn on
the display of margins. If margin and limit display are both turned off, limit test is
automatically turned off. Use :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:FAIL? to return the
state of pass or fail after limit line state has been turned on.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Limit On Off
Select the Type of Limit Line
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:TYPE UPPer|LOWer
Sets a limit line to be either an upper or lower type limit line. An upper line will be
used as the maximum allowable value when comparing with the data. A lower
limit line defines the minimum value.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Upper; not affected by preset
Remarks: If a margin has already been set for this limit line, and this
command is used to change the limit type, then the margin value
is reset to 0 dB.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Type Upper Lower