202 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
The ADD command always appends signals to the end of the signal list. If the
ADD command fails (e.g. signal list at capacity), a message is placed on the status
line and in the error queue. An invalid data format places a message on the status
line and into the error queue.
Because all of the values may not be meaningful during the ADD process, the
ADD command allows defaults to be used. Because of this the data string
submitted may be abbreviated. Each ADD data format string must contain a valid
frequency string. The rule applied to ADD strings is that values need to be
provided only as far to the right as a non-default value is used.
For example, the data format to add a signal at 1 MHz can be indicated as a
frequency only. The two commands below are equivalent. The remaining fields are
set to their default values.
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:ADD “1e6” or
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:ADD “1000000”
If the frequency and a comment are desired, the missing fields between the
frequency and comment position must be shown by marking the positions using
the comma separator. Either type of quote delimiting is available. The preceding
example would be expressed as:
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:ADD “1e6,,,,,,,,,,This is my comment” or
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:ADD '1e6,,,,,,,,,,This is my comment’
Table 5-1 Field Description Table
Position ADD
Definition Default
1 Yes Frequency Value required
2 Yes Peak Ampl 0 (Peak detector flag off)
3 Yes QPK Ampl 0 (Quasi-Peak detector flag off)
4 Yes Avg Ampl 0 (Average amplitude flag off)
5 Yes Uncertainty 0 (Applied when measured)
6 Yes Total
0 (Applied when measured)
7 Yes Marked Status 0 (off)
8 Yes Peak Det. Flag 0 (off) * Implicitly On if peak
amplitude provided
9 Yes QPK Det. Flag 0 (off) * Implicitly On if QPk
amplitude provided
10 Yes Avg Flag 0 (off) * Implicitly On if Avg amplitude
11 Yes Comment Empty