Chapter 5 241
Language Reference
DISPlay Subsystem
–42.9 to 162 dBµV with zero reference level offset and max
mixer level = 97 dBµV.
Default Unit: Current active units
Remarks: The input attenuator setting may be affected. The minimum
displayed value of reference level is –327.6 dBm, and the
maximum displayed value is 327.6 dBm. See the remarks given
for the command
Front Panel
Amplitude Y Scale, Ref Level
Trace Y-Axis Reference Level Offset
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet <rel_ampl>
Sets the amplitude level offset for the y-axis.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 0 dB
Range: –327.6 to 327.6 dB
Default Unit: dB
Remarks: The sum of (reference level offset + reference level) is clipped to
the range –327.6 to 327.6 dB. The maximum limits are
determined by the setting of the first of these two parameters,
within the boundaries of their individual limits when initially
For example, if the reference level is (first) set to –20 dBm, then
the reference level offset can be set to values of –307.6 dB to
327.6 dB. In the case of a 327.6 dB reference level offset, the
resultant reference level value changes to 307.6 dBm. The
reference level value range can be initially set to values from
–149.9 to 55 dBm.
Setting the reference level offset value first yields the following:
If the reference level offset is (first) set to –30 dB, then the
reference level can be set to values of –327.6 to 25 dBm. The
reference level is “clamped” at 25 dBm because its positive
value of 55 dBm is reached at 25 dBm with an offset of –30 dB.
Its own positive amplitude limit applies.
If the reference level offset is (first) set to 30 dB, then the
reference level can be set to values of –327.6 to 85 dBm. Again,
the positive amplitude limit of reference level (alone) is factored
in to the resultant combined limit.