190 Chapter 5
Language Reference
The first few pages of this chapter contain common commands specified in IEEE
Standard 488.2-1992, IEEE Standard Codes, Formats, Protocols and Common
Commands for Use with ANSI/IEEE Std 488.1-1987. New York, NY, 1992.
Following these commands, the Agilent EMC analyzers SCPI commands are
NOTE Refer to Chapter 2 , “Status Registers” which supplements the information
presented in this chapter. In addition, refer to Chapter 6, “Front-Panel Key
Reference,” in the “Agilent EMC Analyzers User’s Guide” for additional
information about the operation of each analyzer function. Use the analyzer HELP
key to obtain similar information about analyzer key functions.
Refer to Chapter 6, “Agilent 8590/EMC Analyzers Programming Conversion
Guide” for specific backwards compatibility information between commands for
HP/Agilent 8590-Series spectrum analyzers and Agilent EMC analyzers.