260 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
MMEMory Subsystem
The purpose of the MMEMory subsystem is to provide access to mass storage
devices such as internal or external disk drives.
NOTE Refer also to :CALCulate and :TRACe subsystems for more trace and limit
line commands.
Agilent EMC analyzers use two types of mass storage devices:
• 3.5 inch disk drive (high density, 1.44 MBytes formatted) designated “A:”
• Part of flash memory and treated as a device designated “C:”
The MMEMory command syntax term <file_name> is a specifier having the
form: drive:\directory\name.ext, where the following rules apply:
“drive” is “A:” or “C:”
• “\directory\” is the path name
•“name” is a DOS file name of up to eight characters, letters (A-Z, a-z) and
numbers (0-9) only (lower case letters are read as uppercase)
•“ext” is an optional file extension using the same rules as “name,” but consists
of up to three characters total
Catalog the Selected Memory Location
:MMEMory:CATalog? <drive>
where “drive” is “A:” or “C:”
Lists all files in the specified drive. The return data will be of the format:
Each <file listing> indicates the name, and size of one file in the directory
list: <file_name>,<file_size>
Example: Catalog drive C:, which is in instrument memory:
:MMEMory:CATalog? “C:”
Front Panel
Copy a File
:MMEMory:COPY <file_name1>,<file_name2>
To copy a file, the source file name is <file_name1> and the destination file name
is <file_name2>.
Example: :MMEM:COPY “C:oldname.sta”,”A:\newname.sta”