Commands Quick Reference 2
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 53
TX <source> (see
page 398)
TX? (see page 398)
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> |
EXTernal} for DSO models
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> |
DIGital0,..,DIGital15} for MSO
<n> ::= 1-2 or 1-4 in NR1 format
<value> (see
page 399)
(see page 399)
<value> ::= {RSTArt | RSTop |
RDATa | RD1 | RD0 | RDX |
PARityerror | TSTArt | TSTOp |
TDATa | TD1 | TD0 | TDX}
<width> (see
page 400)
(see page 400)
<width> ::= {5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9}
Table 26 :TRIGger:UART Commands Summary (continued)
Command Query Options and Query Returns
Table 27 :WAVeform Commands Summary
Command Query Options and Query Returns
<value> (see
page 408)
(see page 408)
<value> ::= {LSBFirst | MSBFirst}
n/a :WAVeform:COUNt? (see
page 409)
<count> ::= an integer from 1 to
65536 in NR1 format
n/a :WAVeform:DATA? (see
page 410)
<binary block length bytes>,
<binary data>
For example, to transmit 1000
bytes of data, the syntax would
be: #800001000<1000 bytes of
8 is the number of digits that
00001000 is the number of bytes
to be transmitted
<1000 bytes of data> is the
actual data
<value> (see
page 412)
(see page 412)
<value> ::= {WORD | BYTE | ASCII}