164 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
3 Commands by Subsystem
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:DISPlay:DATA [<format>][,][<area>][,][<palette>]<display data>
<format> ::= {TIFF}
<area> ::= {GRATicule}
<palette> ::= {MONochrome}
<display data> ::= binary block data in IEEE-488.2 # format.
The :DISPlay:DATA command writes trace memory data (a display bitmap)
to the display or to one of the trace memories in the instrument.
If a data format or area is specified, the :DISPlay:DATA command
transfers the data directly to the display. If neither the data format nor
the area is specified, the command transfers data to the trace memory
specified by the :DISPlay:SOURce command. Available trace memories are
PMEMory0- 9 and these memories correspond to the INTERN_0- 9 files in
the front panel Save/Recall menu.
Graticule data is a low resolution bitmap of the graticule area in TIFF
format. This is the same data saved using the front panel Save/Recall
menu or the *SAV (Save) command.
Query Syntax
:DISPlay:DATA? [<format>][,] [<area>][,] [<palette>]
<format> ::= {TIFF | BMP | BMP8bit | PNG}
<area> ::= {GRATicule | SCReen}
<palette> ::= {MONochrome | GRAYscale | COLor}
The :DISPlay:DATA? query reads display data from the screen or from one
of the trace memories in the instrument. The format for the data
transmission is the # format defined in the IEEE 488.2 specification.
If a data format or area is specified, the :DISPlay:DATA query transfers
the data directly from the display. If neither the data format nor the area
is specified, the query transfers data from the trace memory specified by
the :DISPlay:SOURce command.
Screen data is the full display and is high resolution in grayscale or color.
The :HARDcopy:INKSaver setting also affects the screen data. It may be
read from the instrument in 24-bit bmp, 8-bit bmp, or 24-bit png format.
This data cannot be sent back to the instrument.
Graticule data is a low resolution bitmap of the graticule area in TIFF
format. You can get this data and send it back to the oscilloscope.