Commands Quick Reference 2
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 47
<source> (see
page 332)
(see page 332)
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> |
EXTernal} for DSO models
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> |
DIGital0,..,DIGital15 |} for MSO
<n> ::= 1-2 or 1-4 in NR1 format
<condition> (see
page 333)
(see page 334)
<condition> ::= {SOF} (without
Option AMS)
<condition> ::= {SOF | DATA |
ERRor | IDData | IDEither |
IDRemote | ALLerrors | OVERload |
ACKerror} (with Option AMS)
Table 19 :TRIGger:CAN Commands Summary (continued)
Command Query Options and Query Returns
Table 20 :TRIGger:DURation Commands Summary
Command Query Options and Query Returns
aterthan <greater
than time>[suffix]
(see page 336)
aterthan? (see
page 336)
<greater than time> ::=
floating-point number from 5 ns
to 10 seconds in NR3 format
[suffix] ::= {s | ms | us | ns |
Sthan <less than
time>[suffix] (see
page 337)
Sthan? (see page 337)
<less than time> ::=
floating-point number from 5 ns
to 10 seconds in NR3 format
[suffix] ::= {s | ms | us | ns |
Tern <value>, <mask>
(see page 338)
Tern? (see page 338)
<value> ::= integer or <string>
<mask> ::= integer or <string>
<string> ::= ""0xnnnnnn"" n ::=
{0,..,9 | A,..,F}
Lifier <qualifier>
(see page 339)
Lifier? (see
page 339)
<qualifier> ::= {GREaterthan |
LESSthan | INRange | OUTRange |
Ge <greater than
time>[suffix], <less
than time>[suffix]
(see page 340)
Ge? (see page 340)
<greater than time> ::= min
duration from 10 ns to
9.99 seconds in NR3 format
<less than time> ::= max duration
from 15 ns to 10 seconds in NR3
[suffix] ::= {s | ms | us | ns |