Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 415
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:WAVeform:POINts:MODE <points_mode>
<points_mode> ::= {NORMal | MAXimum | RAW}
The :WAVeform:POINts:MODE command sets the data record to be
transferred with the :WAVeform:DATA? query.
For the analog sources, there are two different records that can be
• The first is the raw acquisition record. The maximum number of points
available in this record is returned by the :ACQuire:POINts? query. The
raw acquisition record can only be transferred when the oscilloscope is
not running and can only be retrieved from the analog sources.
• The second is referred to as the measurement record and is a 1000
point (maximum) representation of the raw acquisition record. The
measurement record can be retrieved at any time, from any source.
If the <points_mode> is NORMal, the measurement record is retrieved.
If the <points_mode> is RAW, the raw acquisition record is used. Under
some conditions, such as when the oscilloscope is running, this data
record is unavailable.
If the <points_mode> is MAXimum, whichever record contains the
maximum amount of points is used. Usually, this is the raw acquisition
record. But, if the raw acquisition record is unavailable (for example,
when the oscilloscope is running), or if the reconstruction filter (Sin(x)/x
interpolation) is in use, the measurement record may have more data. If
data is being retrieved as the oscilloscope is stopped and as the data
displayed is changing, the data being retrieved can switch between the
measurement and raw acquisition records.
for MAXimum or
RAW data
• The instrument must be stopped (see the :STOP command (see
page 120) or the :DIGitize command (see page 96) in the root
subsystem) in order to return more than 1000 points.
• :TIMebase:MODE must be set to MAIN.
• :ACQuire:TYPE must be set to NORMal, AVERage, or HRESolution. If
AVERage, :ACQuire:COUNt must be set to 1 in order to return more
than 1000 points.
• MAXimum or RAW will allow up to 8,000,000 points to be returned. The
number of points returned will vary as the instrument's configuration is
changed. Use the :WAVeform:POINts? MAXimum query to determine the
maximum number of points that can be retrieved at the current
Query Syntax