460 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
5 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
Discontinued Command Current Command Equivalent Comments
ASTore :DISPlay:PERSistence INFinite
(see page 168)
CHANnel:MATH :FUNCtion:OPERation (see
page 186)
ADD not included
CHANnel<n>:PROTect :CHANnel<n>:PROTection
(see page 156)
Previous form of this
command was used to
enable/disable 50Ω
protection. The new command
resets a tripped protect and
the query returns the status of
TRIPed or NORMal.
DISPlay:INVerse none
DISPlay:COLumn none
DISPlay:GRID none
DISPlay:PIXel none
DISPlay:POSition none
DISPlay:ROW none
DISPlay:TEXT none
FUNCtion:MOVE none
FUNCtion:PEAKs none
HARDcopy:ADDRess none Only parallel printer port is
supported. GPIB printing not
MASK none All commands discontinued,
feature not available
SYSTem:KEY none
TEST:ALL *TST (Self Test) (see page 84)
TRACE subsystem none All commands discontinued,
feature not available
TRIGger:ADVanced subsystem Use new GLITch, PATTern, or
TV trigger modes
page 383)
TRIGger:TV:VIR none
VAUToscale none