Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 3
In This Book
This programmer's reference gives detailed information on all the
commands available for controlling these oscilloscope models:
The command descriptions in this reference show upper and lowercase
characters. For example, :AUToscale indicates that the entire command
name is :AUTOSCALE. The short form, :AUT, is also accepted by the
Command arguments and syntax are described for each command. Some
command descriptions have example code.
• "What's New" on page 17
• "Commands Quick Reference" on page 23
• "Commands by Subsystem" on page 59
• "Commands A- Z" on page 435
• "Obsolete and Discontinued Commands" on page 457
• "Error Messages" on page 499
• "Status Reporting" on page 507
• "More About Oscilloscope Commands" on page 529
• "Programming Examples" on page 549
See the Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's
Quick Start Guide for information on installing the IO libraries,
connecting the oscilloscope to the controller PC, and getting started with
oscilloscope programming.
See your oscilloscope's User's Guide for more information on front-panel
The example programs are designed to work with multiple InfiniiVision
5000 Series oscilloscopes. Therefore, the commands may not match the
example code exactly, but the example code should run because of the
designed- in backward compatibility with earlier commands.
Table 1 InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscope Models
Channels Input Bandwidth (Maximum Sample Rate)
500 MHz (4 GSa/s) 300 MHz (2 GSa/s) 100 MHz (2 GSa/s)
4 analog DSO5054A DSO5034A DSO5014A
2 analog DSO5052A DSO5032A DSO5012A