
Path and Port Numbering 69
Path and Port
The following tables outline the default port and path numbering for the
SuperStack II bridge/router.
Although the WAN connector on the model 5xx bridge/router is in a
different physical location than the WAN connector on the model 4xx
bridge/router, its path numbering is the same.
Table 14 Path and Port Numbering for Model 43x , 44x, 53x, and 54x
Path No. Connector Mapped To Port No. Mapped To
1 L1 1
2 L2 2
* For built-in ISDN ports, the path numbering convention differs from the convention on a
non-ISDN port. Instead of numbering only the physical interface or connector, such as path 3,
ISDN sometimes requires that you number the connector and the multiple channels that
transmit data (path 3.n).
3.2 WAN 4
4 Serial A 5
5 Serial B 6
6 Serial C (model 5xx only) 7
7 Serial D (model 5xx only) 8
Table 15 Path and Port Numbering for Model 45x, 46x, 55x, and 56x
Path No. Connector Mapped To Port No. Mapped To
1 L1 1
2 L2 2
3 WAN 3
4 Serial A 4
5 Serial B 5
6 Serial C (model 5xx only) 6
7 Serial D (model 5xx only) 7