
ADD !V1 -PORT DialNoList “123-4567a”
ADD !V1 -PORT DialNoList “123-4567b”
The bridge/router dials 123-4567 three times.
Positioning a Phone
To insert a phone number into a specific position in the dial number
list, enter the Pos (Position) keyword with a non-zero number after the
dial string.
For example, to insert a phone number for port 4 into position 2 of the
dial number list that contains 10 phone numbers, enter:
ADD !4 -PORT DialNoList “510-555-7000” Pos = 2
The software inserts the new phone number into position 2. The phone
number that was previously in position 2 is now in position 3. If the
phone already exists in the dial number list, it will be moved to position
2. You can insert the same phone number twice by using blanks or
other redundant characters. You also can include the Baud and Type
keywords in any order when inserting phone numbers into the dial
number list.
Editing an Existing
Phone Number
To edit an existing phone number in the dial number list, you can
change the position in the list, change the baud rate, and change the
device type.
For example, if port 3 has already been assigned 612-345-3989 in
position 2 with a baud rate of 64 kbps, you can change the baud rate
by entering:
ADD !3 -PORT DialNoList “612-345-3989” Pos = 2 Baud = 14.4
Because the dial string is case-sensitive, make sure to match it exactly to
successfully edit an existing string when characters other than numbers
are used.
Deleting a Phone
To remove a phone number from the dial number list, use:
DELete !<port> -PORT DialNoList “<phone no>”
The phone number is case-sensitive and must be matched exactly.