
channel number (<connectorID>.<channelID>), for example, 3.1. When
specifying both a connector and channel number, you must separate the
two numbers with a decimal point.
If you do not specify a channel number in a command syntax that
requires a connector and channel number, the bridge/router assumes the
first channel associated with the specified connector. For example, if you
specify only connector number 3 when the command syntax requires that
you specify both a connector and channel number, the bridge/router
assumes 3.1.
If you want to specify all channels associated with a connector in a
command syntax, specify the connector number, a decimal point, then an
asterisk, for example, 3.*
A path is the physical interface that connects the bridge/router to a
physical medium such as an Ethernet bus, a token ring, or a serial line. In
an ISDN environment, a path also represents the channel over which data
is transmitted.
Getting Help The user interface provides help menus as memory aids. To display the
help menu, enter a question mark (?). The question mark can be used
with different options as described in Table 20.
Table 20 Online Help Syntax Summary
Syntax Description
? Displays the help menu. Different commands are displayed depending on whether
you have Network Manager privilege or User privilege. The commands are
organized according to services.
If you have User privilege and you enter a Network Manager command, the
following message appears:
Insufficient privilege
-? Displays a list of services available on the bridge/router.