
Reset Button 21
Reset Button Pressing the Reset button resets the bridge/router. The reset button on
the model 4xx bridge/router is on the front panel as shown in Figure 2.
The reset button on the model 5xx bridge/router is on the left side of the
bridge/router (when facing the front panel) as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Reset Switch (Model 5xx)
Serial Device
Serial devices using the V.25bis command set over a SuperStack II
bridge/router must support:
High-level data link control (HDLC) with NRZ.
CRN command.
8 (data bits), N (no parity), and 1 (stop bit) if a parity option is
V.25bis addressed mode.
Synchronous data and DTE connection. The SuperStack II NETBuilder
bridge/router does not support an asynchronous serial connection.
Serial devices using the DTR command set over a SuperStack II
bridge/router RS-232 interface must support:
DTR State to Dial: HIGH.
DTR State Hangup: Low.
DTR State Answer: HIGH.
Synch Data Xmt (synchronous data and DTE connection). The
SuperStack II NETBuilder bridge/router does not support an
asynchronous serial connection.
Auto Answer mode.
User-stored phone number.
Left side of unit
Reset switch