Perreaux CD Player CD Player User Manual

Instant Install
If you are like us, the first thing you will want to do is to play your favourite
piece of music through your new CD1. The following instructions are written to
enable you to achieve this as quickly as possible. These are not comprehensive
instructions, but are designed to enable you to play music now!
Please take the time to read the CD1 manual thoroughly as it
incorporates many features, which will enhance its operation.
Best results will be achieved when placed on a solid
surface. DO NOT place on
a carpeted floor or cover the player!
Turn off associated components
This minimises the potential to damage any other components when connecting
your CD1 into the system.
Connect CD1 to amplifier
Connect the output of the CD1 to the unbalanced (RCA
) inputs at the rear of
your amplifier.
Try to keep all interconnect cables as far from loudspeaker cables as
possible and well away from all AC mains leads.
Switch on CD1
After checking the supply voltage compatibility with
the voltage rating on the
CD1 rear panel, insert the power cord-
set supplied into the rear of the unit and
into the wall. Switch on the socket at the wall and power up the CD1 by
the switch on the rear panel to ON ( I ).
Switch on your amplifier
Make sure your amplifier is connected to the mains and switch it on.
Insert your favourite CD
Open the disc drawer by pressing the ‘O/C’ button and insert your favourite CD.
Press ‘PLAY’ on the CD1
Increase the volume
Slowly increase the volume control
of your amplifier to achieve a comfortable
listening level.
Now that you have achieved your first objective, sit back, relax and please read
the rest of the manual at your own pace, in your favourite armchair, whilst
sipping a hot cup o
f coffee. You’ll find the whole experience much more
pleasurable whilst listening to music.