Function Generator Setup
Using the THS4503EVM
2.3 Function Generator Setup
The oscilloscope inputs 1 and 2 must be set to 50-Ω input impedance for
proper results.
1) Connect the function generator to oscilloscope channel 1.
2) Set vertical channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope to 0.2 V/division and the
time-base to 0.1 µs/division.
3) Set the function generator to generate a 1-MHz, ±0.5 V (1 V
) sine wave
with no dc offset.
4) Verify that the output is 1 MHz, ±0.5 V (1 V
5) Disable the function generator output before proceeding to the next step.
6) Disconnect the cable from the oscilloscope, retaining the setting of the
function generator.
2.4 Signal Connection V
(Refer to Figure 2−2)
1) Using a BNC-to-SMA cable, connect the function generator to J1 (VIN−).
2) Using a BNC-to-SMA cable, connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to J2
3) Using a BNC-to-SMA cable, connect the oscilloscope channel 2 to J3
Figure 2−2. Signal Connections