: The VITALIZER is an equalizer concept which makes use of
scientific psychoacoustic technology to process audio signals. The unique
combination of dynamic equalizers, amplitude-controlled phase correction
and harmonic filtering in the V
ITALIZER opens up a whole new listening
dimension by adapting the sound pattern to the non-linearities of the
human ear. The V
ITALIZER is thus the creative element amongst the EQ
MAGIX's sound processing tools.
The V
ITALIZER gives the mid frequencies accurate transparency with a
soft, unobtrusive sound. The treble and harmonics range is reworked with
broadband shelving filters of 2nd and 4th order, which focus on achieving a
smooth, silky sound pattern. High frequencies are livened up without them
sounding hard or agressive.
The V
ITALIZER uses a newly developed filter network to process the low
frequency range. The bass is accentuated without any risk of emphasizing
the lower mid frequencies unnaturally. You can choose between a dry,
percussive bass (T
IGHT) or a punchy, soft and very deep sound character
The result is a pleasanter and livelier sound pattern with an unrivalled
wealth of detail. You will be amazed by how transparent and powerful
almost every audio signal sounds after it has been processed with the
: The OUTPUT section enables you to create a two-channel
output signal from a one-channel input signal. You can return the signal to
two desk channels or feed it directly into a multi-track recording medium or
effect unit. Balanced outputs available via XLR sockets and unbalanced
outputs available via jacks can be used in parallel. A signal can therefore be
recorded on two media simultaneously.
On the front panel, two bargraph meters each featuring 10 LEDs
provide information about the output level of each channel. The indication
of PPM values (peak values) provide more information than a VU display
(average values). The M
UTE switch can be used to mute the output signal
altogether. The P
ANORAMA control allows
panning between the two
output channels, compensating the loss in volume (- 3dB) which arises in
conjunction with panning to one channel. The F
ADER switch alters the
characteristics of the P
ANORAMA control, making it an output level control.
The output level can be reduced for both channels to compensate diffe-
rences in the levels of the processed and the dry signal.
TThhee VV
iinn tthhee EEQQ MMAAGGIIXX::
The new generation of psycho-
acoustic equalizers for the first
time in a 19“ mixer channel
module, together with
microphone preamplifier,
equalizer and
output stage.
output stage
creates a double Mono output
signal from the Mono input signal
and enables active panning
between the two channels.
Two LED meters indicate the
PPM peak values.
and F
switch options.