Sound Performance Lab EQ MAGIX Stereo Equalizer User Manual

Deleting an
Two possibilities are available with the EQ MAGIX to delete a interfe-
rence frequency:
1. The C
UT mode with max. attenuation of 15 dB
2. The N
OTCH mode with max. attenuation of 30 to 50 dB.
In order to localize and delete an interference frequency proceed as
1.a) Activate the P
1.b) Set the Q control to the smallest bandwidth (extreme left, Q 3.6)
1.c) Set the B
OOST/CUT control to max. BOOST (extreme right,+15 dB).
This helps to localize the interference frequency very quickly.
1.d) Sweep the F
REQUENCY control and stop if the interference
frequency has reached its loudest level.
1.e) Turn the B
OOST/CUT control to max. CUT (extreme left,
-15 dB). For broader interference noise the result is better if the Q
value is shifted from its maximum position (extreme left) to lower
Q values.
If 15 dB attenuation is not sufficient to eliminate the interference
frequency satisfactorily, use the N
OTCH mode which offers an attenuation
down to -50dB:
2.a) Activate the P
2.b) Set the Q control to the broadest bandwidth (extreme right,
2.c) Activate the N
OTCH mode.
2.d) Set the B
OOST/CUT control (i.e. ROLL-OFF control in NOTCH mode) to
TEEP (extreme right). This attenuates the noise frequency by 30
2.e) If this is not sufficient again, turn the R
OLL-OFF control to GENTLE
(extreme left). The attenuation is now 50 dB.