After once synced up if the sync lock unlocks the display will
read “BEAT OUT,” and again the unit will try to get synced up.
At the occurrence of BEAT OUT the level of the rhythm is
automatically reduced to “l”; and it increases back to the
presei, level when sync is achieved again,
The BEAT function can be used together with the SPICE A/B
function, as well as with the FILL IN function. (For these functions
see below.) But you cannot use the AUTO SPICE function at the
same time as the BEAT function.
lifsing the FILL IN function
The FILL IN function is used together with the BEAT function to
insert a variation of the current rhythm pattern.
The AU1-O SPICE/FILL IN double function switch takes on the
FILL IN fl~nction when the BEAT function is switched On.
● The AUTO SPICE function is not available at the same time as
the FILL IN function.
● The FILL IN function is not available when making a tape copy
between two tape decks using SYNC DUB.
During playback with the BEAT function switched on, press FILL
IN at the desired moment,
.. !,.,,
,? ,,. ,,- e,,,, ,.,., b .“. . . . . ....” ,.
,,,,.:“, ,. .,.,,. .,.., ”, :“~, ,, ,-%”. ,,. ”,.”,J. :
SPICE A/B function
The SPICE A/B function allows you to add percussion to the
playback of the music and create your original sounds.
Your sounds created with SPICE A/B can be recorded on tape if $$&
you want to.
To select sounds
—–+-’-n l-—l.—,,-, ,—.j4- ,
Press A.
You’ll hear the current sound stored in A.
Within 4 seconds, turn MULTI JOG to the left or
right until you find the desired sound.
As the display changes, you’ll hear the respective sound.
In a similar way, select a sound for EL
To actually use the function
Once you are satisfied with the sound selection, let the music
start playing, and hit
SPICE A or B in time with the music as ill to
play percussion instruments.
You cannot use the SPICE A/B function when making a tape
copy between two tape decks using SYNC DUB.
The display will read “FILL IN” and, when the current cycle of the
rhythm pattern is over, you’ll hear a short sound different from
the rhythm pattern, This sound depends on rhythm patterns. If
you want, try to change the rhythm pattern. (Selecting a rhythm
pattern is discussed earlier, under the corresponding heading,)
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