Using the Playback Function (Con't)
Skipping Scenes/Songs
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Press the I<<, _ button.
• Eachtimethebuttonis pressedduringplayback,thepreviousornextchapter,trackor
directory(file)willbe played.
• Youcannotskipchaptersconsecutively.
Repeat Playback
Repeat playback allows you to repeatedly play a chapter, title, track (song), or directory (MP3 file).
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Press the REPEAT button.
• Eachtimethe buttonispressedduringplayback,therepeatplaybackmode
CHAPTER :Repeatedly plays the selected chapter.
TITLE : Repeatedlyplays theselected title.
GROUP :Repeatedly playsthe selected group.
RANDOM :Plays tracks inrandom order.
(Atrack thathasalreadybeenplayedmaybeplayedagain.)
TRACK : Repeatedly playsthe selected track.
DIR :Repeatedly playsatltracks inthe selected folder.
DISC : Repeatedly playsthe entire disc.
OFF :Cancels RepeatPlayback.
To Selecta Repeat PlaybackModein the Disc Information Screen
1 Press the INFO button twice.
2 Press the Cursor • button to move to REPEAT PLAYBACK (_#) display.
3 Press the Cursor • button to select the desired Repeat Playback mode.
• Toselectanotheralbumandtrack,repeatSteps2and3 above•
4 Press the ENTER button.
• For DivX, MP3 and JPEG discs, you cannot select Repeat Play from the information
display screen.
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