Tsunami MP.11 Antenna Installation
Copyright © 2006 Proxim Wireless Corporation. All rights reserved. 8
Chapter 1. Preparing for Installation
Plan the day for your outdoor antenna installation carefully. Do not install the antenna in wet or windy conditions,
during a thunderstorm, or when the area in which the equipment is to be installed is covered with ice or snow.
The grounding system for the antenna mast, radio hardware, and surge arrestor should be installed before the
cable from the antenna is connected to the surge arrestor. This protects your system against lightning strikes
during installation.
Familiarize yourself with the antenna and the antenna-specific mounting instructions prior to climbing any roof or
ladder. By installing and testing all equipment before beginning the actual rooftop installation, you can determine
whether all required equipment and items are available and functioning properly.
To verify the equipment prior to installation, you may first need to follow the guidelines as described in the
documentation that comes with the radio unit.
The installation process can be summarized in the following steps:
1. Verify that the support structure for the antenna has been connected to the grounding system. If this is not the
case, you should do so now.
2. Connect the exposed metal connectors of the low-loss antenna cable to the grounding system.
3. Mount the antenna to the support structure, following the guidelines as described for your antenna.
When mounting multiple antennas on a single mast, use the following methods to minimize the influence of
cross-talk interference between the antennas:
– Place your antennas as far apart as possible.
– Alternate the mounting of directional antennas for vertical and horizontal polarization.
Consult the mounting instructions for your antenna as described in Tsunami MP.11 Recommended Antennas
for options and instructions for mounting the antennas for different polarization.
4. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna.
5. Route the antenna cable to the surge arrestor that has been installed near the ingress point.
6. Connect the antenna / Ethernet cable to the surge arrestor.
7. Attach the surge arrestor to the N-type female bulkhead connector.
8. Run the Link Test diagnostics of the management tools that come with the radio unit to aim the antenna and
verify optimal placement.
Note: You can use the unit’s Antenna Alignment Display utility. See “Aligning the Antenna.” on page 19
9. Once the antenna is correctly positioned, and you have verified the installation works properly, secure all
cables and use weatherproofing tape to seal all outdoor connectors.
Note: When you must remove or relocate the antenna, follow the Safety Precautions at the beginning of this
chapter and follow the steps listed above in exactly the reverse order.