
User Manual Page 29
5.2 RX Commander
RX Commander is a program that runs on the background and receives the commands from the remote
control unit and controls RX Radiator (or also other programs defined in RX Keycom application).
I.e. it is not possible to control RX Radiator using remote control while RX Commander is not running.
By default, it is copied into Startup folder so it is launched automatically upon Windows startup. However,
you can run it manually from the Start menu within the RadioXtreme folder.
5.3 RX KeyCom
Using KeyCom application you can:
- overview the default assignment of remote-control for RX Radiator and MS PowerPoint applications
- define or modify up to four additional programs (P1 to P4) to be controlled via remote control
Program combobox defines the actually edited program. The first and second programs are predefined as
RX Radiator and MS PowerPoint respectively. You cannot change the keys assignments.
When one of these first two programs is selected, either the [Setup Radiator] or [Setup Powerpoint] button
is visible next to the combobox.