6 Pelco Manual C1014M-B (10/97)
3.2.2 Procedures for the Gilbarco “G-Site” Cash Registers
The following procedures are to be performed on the Gilbarco “G-Site” Cash Reg-
1. Use the 8-pin modular adapter supplied with the ICIMI1000 when interfacing
to this register.
2. Be sure the cables on the wiring kit are connected to the yellow and black
terminals only.
3. If you want journal printer information, but there is no printer plugged into the
printer port, the interface is still possible. Select the “None Printer” or “Secu-
rity” setting when booting the register system at the start of the day. This will
result in journal information being sent to the printer port without requiring a
printer. Use the communication parameters in Section 3.2, Inter-Check
gramming, to program this interface.
4. If a scrolling message from the register’s customer display continues to re-
peat itself on the video screen, you can command Inter-Check
to stop receiv-
ing the message by programming the following:
a. Press “ENT” on the keypad for programming mode.
b. Press “2” for System Program Menu.
c. Press “2” for Carriage Return Control Menu.
Press “2” for End of Line Stop selection.
d. Turn “End of Line Stop” on and then press “ESC” three times to back out
of the menus and reinitialize Inter-Check
5. Set the SW1 switch on the ICIMI1000 interface cable toward the male plug.
3.2.3 Procedures for the Koppens/Schlumberger Micromax
1000, 2000, and 3000 Pro Cash Registers
The following procedures are to be performed on the Koppens/Schlumberger
Micromax 1000, 2000, and 3000 Pro Cash Registers:
1. Be sure the cables on the wiring kit are connected to the yellow and black
terminals only.
2. If the communication parameters settings in the Inter-Check
section do not work correctly, check the switch settings underneath the printer
to determine printer communication settings and adjust the Inter-Check
gramming to match the new printer settings.
3. Set the SW1 switch on the ICIMI1000 interface cable toward the male plug.
Because the baud rate of
the journal printer is adjustable,
occasionally the printer may be set
for one of the following baud rates:
4800, 2400, 1200.