
The Nº390S’s memory can store play lists for thousands of different
CDs. Saved play lists remain in memory when you place the
Nº390S into standby, when you turn off the main power switch
— even if AC power is interrupted.
When you load a CD, the Nº390S reads that CD’s unique
identification code. If you assemble a play list for a particular CD
and save it into the Nº390S’s memory, the Nº390S “remembers”
that CD’s play list.
The next time you load that CD, the Nº390S will recognize the
CD’s identification code and automatically load the previously
saved play list. (The display initially shows the number of tracks
and total time on the disc, preceded by the letter P in the display.)
Even if you have previously saved a play list for a CD, the Nº390S
allows you to temporarily override it (and have access to all tracks
on the CD), without erasing it from memory. This temporary
override applies to polarity programming as well.
To temporarily override a previously saved play list, click the
mode button until PROGRAM is displayed on the front panel, and
press mode – while the CD is loaded but before play has started.
All of the CD’s tracks will subsequently be accessible for normal
operations, but the original play list will still be retained in the
Nº390S’s memory. You can even create a temporary play list as an
alternative to your normal, permanent play list.
Assembling a Play List To assemble a new play list:
1. Load a CD, and wait for the display to show the number of
tracks and their total playing time.
2. Make sure that the Nº390S is in the programming mode by
clicking the mode button until you see PROGRAM in the
3. Using the next and previous buttons (or the numbered buttons
on the Remote Control), select the first track in your play list.
4. Add the first selection to your play list by pressing mode +.
The display will acknowledge your command by showing a P
preceding the track number on the display to indicate that it
has been added to the play list.
5. Assemble the rest of your play list by repeating steps 2 and 3.
Make sure to press mode + after each selection.